Level 4 Body Armor is Very Comfortable On the Use!
A body armor brings ample protection for the military personnel and for the law enforcement officials. These professionals have to stay protected during every operation they handle. While going for the combat operations, these officials have to face a great deal of challenges and odds. They also never know when they may face sheer attack which can even claim their lives. By wearing proper body armor, they can enhance personal protection level to a great extent. If you are looking for a proper body armor, then the time has come to try the ceramic body armor.
Very light in weight
Contrary to the body armor that is made from steel, the ceramic one is very light in weight. The hardness of the ceramic is very high with comparison to other materials. Due to this reason, this material promotes high level of ballistic protection. And that’s the prime reason why it has always remained as the first choice for the making of body armors. Ceramic is the material that can absorb as well as disperse the energy in a much better way than the steel.

A very hard material
When someone wears the body armor made from ceramic like material, his chances to come across the broken ribs, damaged lungs and broken sternum like problems always remains very low. There are certain bullets which are known as the supersonic ones. They can easily pierce through the steel body armor. But the level 4 body armor is going to bring ample protection for the wearer against these bullets. For this type of body armor, Kevlar can also be added to reduce the bullet’s force.